This was an exciting, yet exhausting Christmas! Our first Christmas shindig was the first part of the week in Louisiana. We went down to see Daniel's family and had Christmas and baby shower all together. We took our camper and it was a nice time to spend with just Daniel and I (well, and Bella, of course!) We got back Wednesday and couldn't wait to open our presents so Daniel and I did our Christmas together then. More Christmas Thursday at Mamaw and Grandad's house and then Daniel's parents house that evening. Christmas day was spent at my parents house. They got a wii so we stayed almost all day and played off and on with them! Saturday we went to Hot Springs to April and Ray's house to spend the day with my dad's sign of the family. At this point....I'm so tired!
Then we took a few days to recooperate from all of the festivities. Fortunately, Daniel and I were both off work all this time, so we could enjoy each other's company!
Thursday we went to Tulsa with Matt and Holly to help orient Matt to the area since he is getting ready for PT clinicals. It was a short trip, but exhausting! I finally caved into getting some UGG boots, and exhausted my energy trying on shoes at every store! Its VERY hard to put on shoes and socks with your belly is the size of a watermelon! I finally found a pair I loved, and then gave up on the rest of the shoe shopping because I couldn't bend over ANYMORE!
New Years Eve was spent in Tulsa, but we passed out around 10 pm....real night owls, I know! :)
Now for the Ashlynn update...
As of today, I'm 30 weeks and 5 days! Almost 3 weeks ago she was 3 pounds, so I'm sure she's bypassed 4 pounds at this point. We're all ready for her...the room is ready, the closet is ready, now we just need a baby to put in it! :) 

This was my most recent project. A friend did this for her little boy's closet and I saw it on her blog, so I made my own! They sell something that serves the same purpose, but DEFINIELY not near as cute! This was fun to do and I feel like it makes me more involved than buying something off the shelf! They're already in her closet and her clothes are divided out so far, but I'm sure there will be more to add!
I'm hoping we can shoot for around 38 weeks for Ashlynn to make her debut. With a midterm right after my due date, Ashlynn already measuring big, and Daniel not having a schedule, it will be much easier to schedule a date for her to arrive so Daniel can be here. I guess we will just have to see how it all goes, she may come even sooner! I'm hoping I can stick in school this semester, so we're praying for NO c-section because that will make it even harder to recooperate and get back in school!
I guess that's enough update for now...